Inserting and editing Aftershock objects

Aftershock is a Macromedia utility that generates all of the necessary HTML code to run Flash movies. You can open files created by Aftershock in Dreamweaver and then paste the contents into other Dreamweaver documents. To edit Aftershock objects, install Aftershock in your system and then launch Aftershock from the Property inspector.

To insert Aftershock objects in Dreamweaver:

1 Open an Aftershock file.
Aftershock elements appear as non-editable objects in Dreamweaver. If an object includes a preview image, Dreamweaver displays it.
2 Copy the contents of the file into another Dreamweaver document.

To edit an Aftershock object:

1 Double-click an Aftershock object to open the Property inspector.
2 Click Launch Aftershock.
3 Edit the file in Aftershock, save changes, and exit the utility.
When you exit Aftershock, Dreamweaver updates the content of the Aftershock object with the new information.